I wrote my first book 'Stress Ninja' at the request of numerous professional clients AND martial arts students. I wanted to write something unique that didn't patronise the reader. I wanted to produce something that could be read as a book or a reference manual. I wrote both my books using hypnotic writing and framework to help the reader as much as possible. Both my books have sold internationally and between them they can help with stress, anxiety and insomnia. I have had so many fantastic personal messages of encouragement that I am presently working on my third book...
You could always spend thousands of pounds over the period of a few years talking to therapists about how your relationship with your parents has possibly lead to this phobia and miss your COVID vaccination or....
You could, instead, spend a small amount of money and a few days to understand everything relevant about your needle phobia THEN get rid of it easily, comfortably and FOREVER!

My husband bought this for me because I had a fear of needles, but have always wanted to do my bit and give blood. I read The Needle Phobia Handbook and felt so confident afterwards that I booked in to give blood last Sunday...and succeeded. So much so that I have booked in my next appointment! This really does work and I cannot recommend it enough.
As well as being a world renowned Harley Street Stress consultant Karl Rollison is also a 3rd Dan Blackbelt in Ninjutsu. This book is a unique guide to dealing with ALL forms of stress, from a demanding boss to a potential street attack!

"A book to read and re-read many times. Thanks, Mr Rollison."
Bob , MBPsS, MSc (Psych), BA (Hons), Dip NLP
The Ultimate goal of all Humans is happiness. You can't be happy if you are perpetually stressed - sorry but you cant...'Stress Ninja' addresses this. However, you can't be stress free and happy if you don't sleep properly! This book takes care of that.

"Some stuff you maybe already know and lots of stuff you probably don’t. If sleep is something you want to get good at and reap the benefits, this will do the job perfectly!"
OK, this is only a small book but the best things come in small packages. Only a few pages but, so many of my clients asked me to write down some of my favourite stress-busting techniques (that they could do quietly at work) that I decided to compile this little gem! enjoy!

"Easy to follow techniques to help beat every day life getting on top of you."